Thursday, December 4, 2008

PR News

USU has a new football coach! This news could not get any better. Gary Anderson has been hired to be the new head coach at Utah State University. Anderson comes from the coaching staff at the University of Utah. With the success that Utah has had this season, and the amount of publicity they are getting, the choice for our new head couch can mean only good things!

Monday, December 1, 2008

PR News

For those of you who haven’t heard … gas is down to a record low! I filled up this weekend in Salt Lake for the low price of $1.49. I don’t think it has been that low since I was 16. This rare phenomena just proves to me how little I truly understand about the economy and how it works. When it started its flush down the toilet gas prices skyrocketed. Now that we are nearing the end of the flush (hopefully) gas prices are at an all time low.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

PR News

If there is one thing I will never understand it is stores bringing out items for the next holiday, when the current one hasn't even happened yet. I think that the Halloween candy hit the shelves at my local Wal-Mart as of September first. Thanksgiving hasn’t even happened yet and here we are, surrounded by Christmas stuff.

Monday, November 24, 2008

PR News

This just in … this year’s presidential inauguration will be the biggest in U. S. history. They are pulling out all the stops and sparing no expense. It seems ironic to me that this county’s soon to be leader would spend gross amounts of money celebrating his new power and authority when the country is in a state of economic crisis… but that’s just me.

Friday, November 21, 2008

PR News

Utah State recently fired its head football coach as well as the rest of the football staff. Brent Guy was fired for not improving the football team enough for the amount of time he was here. Now the search begins for a new coach. Unless we can get some decent press, and spin our awful football program into a positive light I think we are going to see a pattern of hiring and firing coaches.

Monday, November 17, 2008

PR News

The more activities I participate in on campus the more I realize what a big impact marketing can have on an event. Unless the event is marketed well, and people are actually aware it is going on, it doesn’t matter if Brad Pitt and George Clooney are the main event, people won’t show up. There are some really fun events I would have loved to attend, if I had been aware they were going on.

Friday, November 14, 2008

PR News

Its official, Obama is sitting pretty. Unless the world comes to an end chances are in four years he is going to be able to look back and say to the country, we are much better off now than when I was first elected, so reelect me! Unless he messes up big time Obama has got eight years locked-in, no problem.