Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Draft Media Pitch

Local association works to promote financial independence

Mr. Jones:

The Cache Valley Area Investors Association (CVAIA) is actively helping locals achieve financial independence. The group focuses on creating and building passive income (investments). The CVAIA advises to first invest in yourself and then move on to real estate, commodities, securities, businesses, and intellectual property. By building passive income the person is able to have a steady income they don't have to think about. This allows them to focus on what they enjoy doing rather than having a job just to provide an income.

The CVAIA membership is free. Great financial advice is offered at no cost to you in a friendly, non-threatening environment. The association has no other focus/ aim than to help locals become financially independent. If actively involved a person can become financially independent in as little as three years.

The CVAIA started meeting October 2 and will continue to meet every-other Thursday. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. in the Cache Chamber of Commerce building at 160 N. Main Street. The group currently has 50 members, 10 of which are regularly active.

The CVAIA is a great asset to the community. Logan locals should be aware of CVAIA and take advantage of what they can offer. If you have any other questions please let me know. I would be more than happy to answer them for you and provide you with more information.

Sarah Miller
Public Relations

1 comment:

Brittrclark said...

Your Media Pitch was great, The only thing I would say is that I do remember him emphasizing on it being short and something to make it stand out. You followed directions really well, the format was perfect.