Thursday, October 2, 2008

PR News

I recently read a post titled “The Drudge, The Grunge, Oprah … and Me” by Mark Stevens. Basically the post was about Oprah snubbing Palin, and yet claiming to be a neutral media source. I feel most news sources have developed some type of bias, and it’s typically not hard to figure out which way they lean. I find this a little disconcerting that the sources we so readily rely on for factual, non-biased, hard news are turning into nothing more than a masquerading opinion.

Another good point Stevens makes is that PR is not just a profession. Oprah acted unintentionally (or maybe it was intentionally) as a representative for Obama. With the following that Oprah has this makes me even more nervous. She has the power to turn a book into an instant best seller just by adding it to her "book club." This causes me to wonder if millions of American women are thinking for themselves or just watching Oprah.

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