Saturday, September 27, 2008

PR News

It is not just about the relationships, but building the right relationships within the right verticals, and doing your research prior. And, yes, that takes time and involves sitting in front of the computer.But, well, my computer monitor died - the notebook still works (I can hear it!) but the screen is dark. No clue why, and just need to go to the "doctor" to get it checked out. But it was a good reminder that we are too caught up in technology. We have so fallen in love with technology, that we can't do anything without it. -Jeremy Pepper

This post was just another reminder to me about how tied we are to technology and how disconnected we've become from reality. Yes technology is great, but how great is it that we have no idea what to do when the computer goes down or, heaven forbid, our cell phone dies. We need to remember that technology is just the means, and we should not let it be our end.

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