Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Draft Press Release 3: Cause Promotion

Cache Valley Area Investors Association
Preston Parker
160 N. Main Street

Sept. 23 2008

Cache Valley Area Investors Association helping others become happy

Logan, Utah - Cache Valley Area Investors Association is actively involved in educating others on becoming financially independent.

This non- profit organization was started in order to help others become financially independent. The goal of the association is to help others build their passive income so that it exceeds expenses. By doing this they can do what they love, and not have to worry about

President and Founder Preston Parker said, “the key is to keep expenses low and passive income high.” By doing this people can find jobs they actually enjoy without having to worry about going to a job they hate just to earn money.

Parkers said that if a person is aggressive gaining financial security can take as little as three years to become independent. It could take up to 10 if the person is not as active.

The CVAIA meets every-other Thursday night at the Cache Chamber of Commerce located at 160 N. Main Street at 7 pm. You can also visit their Web site at www.cvaia.com

The CVAIA was started in July of 2007. It is a non-profit organization and currently has 50 members.



DannonL said...

Creative. I really like the way you have written this press release. It has a lot of pull to read more.

Great job!

Sarah said...
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Sarah said...

Sarah, great job on your draft. I think you have some key information and some great facts that help promote this company. A few things I noticed...In your second paragraph I would add "their" between exceed and expenses. It just clarifies the sentence. Also in your 4th paragraph you have an "s" on Parker..might want to take that off :) Maybe check "pm' In your AP style book...I think there are periods between the letters and don't forget your contact info on your final draft. You have a great start here and are definitly promoting the company!